Five places I would like to visit this year…and the reasons why

1. Tremé in New Orleans. I might be lucky enough to catch The Subdudes at the Candlelight Lounge.


2. Acadia National camp and hike around Mt. Desert Island.


3. Montreal…to see Leonard Cohen at The Bell Centre in November.


4. Old San Juan, Puerto Rico…to write…maybe smoke a cigar…forgo the rum, and visit the Old San Juan Star building.


5. The Ozarks…I have always wanted to visit the damn Ozarks.Perhaps it was Winter’s Bone?


6 thoughts on “Five places I would like to visit this year…and the reasons why

  1. The ozarks are real nice – reading your posts, there’s a town built up in the mountains called eureka springs that you would probably like : ) the wife and I used to go there every year for several years until we had kind of done everything…

  2. Nice. Thanks for the tip. I will check out Eureka Springs, it sounds lovely. Do you have a favorite spot in all of the Ozarks? After watching Winter’s Bone several times in class, I feel compelled to travel there, although many of the film’s characters are pretty formidable…the film is authentic, and I found myself moved by the storyline and the imagery.

  3. lots of variety and more there – as for Leonard in Montreal, yes to that too – he has some haunts he’s particular about, and can be seen in his old neighborhood every now and then

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